Chiya Media Solutions

Helping Millions of Brand's through Advertising Plans
Advertising, Branding, Stratergy


Get To Know About Us?

Chiya’s Media is a award winning integrated creative ad agency in Bangalore and has been in the business for 14 years. We are specialized in branding marketing agency, printing advertising and publications, electronic advertising etc. 

Our mission is to make brands more meaningful to more people. Boost your brand with our expertise

It includes newspaper advertising, magazine advertising, tv/radio advertising, cinema advertising, branding, hoarding services, ad shoot/documentation etc.

By creating meaningful campaigns that target existing and new customers.

As a result of our result-driven advertising campaigns that reach the masses, tap into their deepest aspirations, and fulfil their unmet needs, we provide our clients with solid acceptance and value

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I'm The Founder

Vamshi Srinivas (Chiya)

I'm The Co-Founder

Latha H

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Team Work

Our Nature

Our team is passionate, resourceful, and forward-thinking, and we take pride in doing the highest quality work in the industry. Bringing your vision to life in the most creative, engaging, and innovative way possible is what we do with organizations. Our creative, interactive, and innovative approaches make your vision come to life.

We remain dedicated to our goal

Our Goal is to give competitive pricing for the clients. To achieve this, we continuously add value to our clients. Advertising that we create contains an aesthetically pleasing linguistic style, an appealing color palette, and memorable visuals. The company’s main goal is to meet clients’ expectations and come up with innovative and effective advertisements. This helps our clients eliminate the worry of not attracting customers to their products. 

We help our clients become industry innovators and trendsetters by providing results-driven marketing campaigns. Our commitment is to provide our clients with most efficient possible service. To achieve the desired results, working with each of them required innovation, ideation, and implementation.

Our Goal